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PeaZip is a free, portable and cross-platform archiver

21-11-2019, 03:43. Posted: Giorgio Tani

 PeaZip - is a free cross-platform portable program that performs the functions of an archiver, and serves as a graphical shell for other archivers. Available under the GNU GLP license.


PeaZip was compiled in Lazaruse and written in Free Paskal. At the same time, this program is distributed only on Windows and Linux, and at the same time as the installation packages (exe files), and in versions that do not change the operating system, such versions are called portable.


This archiver also supports its own .pea file format, as well as other file formats, for which it in most cases uses external programs and libraries.


The project is available on SourceForge.net from where, as of 2017, it has already been downloaded six million times, at that time the program had existed for 11 years, while the number of downloads is constantly increasing.




PeaZip is a user interface that combines utilities distributed as: open source and royalty-free:

  • Rea - executable file from the program developer;
  • The program has utilities: GNU strip and UPX.


These utilities can be launched by the user both through the console and through the graphical shell, which has a user-friendly interface.

But the program also has disadvantages, which today have not yet been eliminated:

  • UTF-8 is not fully supported by the user interface;
  • The shell is much more focused on the processes of compression and decompression than on the interface, because of which, during operation, it can respond with small delays. For this reason, the progress indicator in the console is much more informative than the indicator in the graphical environment.


Formats support


The following file formats have full support: 7z, zip, upx, rea, 7z-sfx, FreeArc's ARC / WRC, dzip2, gzip, tar, xz, wim, QUAD / BALZ / BCM.


Partial support (viewing, unpacking and testing the archive) is provided in the following file formats: ACE, ARJ, CAB, CHM, COMPOUND files (MSI, DOC, PPT, XLS ...), CPIO, DEB, ISO CD / DVD images, LZH, LZMA, NSIS installers, OpenOffice.org, RAR, SMZIP, RPM, U3P, XPI, Z, ZIPX formats.




You can download the archiver from the official site, with four versions available for download at once for Windows.

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