Microsoft 365 Home & Business
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Microsoft 365 features
In addition to online access to programs such as Word, Excel and other long-established company developments, the package involves the ability to communicate, work with e-mail.
The package extends access to corporate networks. There are varieties for both business and home use. Installation is possible on Windows and Mac. All products are regularly updated and improved. Programs do not require installation.
For home
This development is provided by subscription. Up to 6 people can use it, not only on a computer or laptop, but also on other devices. The package includes 6 of the most popular applications and 2 services: Skype and the OneDrive cloud for data storage. Web services allow you to work with text, format it, create presentations, develop databases, and edit spreadsheets. Publisher is designed for desktop and laptop computers only.
For business
Services have a high degree of protection. They are specially adapted for teamwork. The package is very convenient for those who work remotely. Autosave of data is included, team making changes online. For the business version, increased space in the cloud, an expanded list, corporate email. In addition to the standard package applications, the services of Exchange, Sharepoint, Teams and others are launched. You can use the services on various devices, including mobile.
Launched round-the-clock online support by technical experts. The advantage of the business version is the functionality for conferences, the number of participants of which can reach up to 250.
Subscription Purchase
Microsoft recommends purchasing a subscription and specifying its cost from retailers. |
9-11-2019, 02:08