Google Chrome - the benchmark for quality and convenience among browsers
Latest version: Windows: 98.0.4758.102 | Android: apk - 98.0.4758.101 / xapk 98.0.4758.101 | macOS: 98.0.4758.102 | iOS: 98.0.4758.97 | Report a new version of the program
Edited news: 16-02-2022, 05:13 Reason: Version updates for Windows, Android, iOS and macOS.
"Chrome" begins its existence in 2008, immediately gaining popularity due to innovative technologies and speed of work. Users quickly fell in love with the browser for its beautiful design, performance, many features and many settings, which at that time far from every browser could boast. Google Chrome and today occupies a leading position in the list of Internet browsers. Here are the main reasons for its popularity: Read more |