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Google Docs - a server for editing documents

Latest version: Android: - xapk / - apk | iOS: 1.2022.06202 | Report a new version of the program
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   25-10-2019, 06:52  |  Author: Google |  2 416 views  |  
Edited news: 16-02-2022, 10:29
Reason: iOS version update

Now a lot of text editors have been developed, but this article will focus on the Google Docs document editing server. The utility provided by Google is completely free. The functionality of the program is fully open to the user. Even because the program is free, there is no advertising in it, and this is a huge plus.


Google Docs has a large set for editing text, highlighting some areas using markers, as in a notebook. The user is given unlimited access to all the fonts that are presented in the application. In addition, you can easily insert hyperlinks and photos, create your own drawings and tables.


It is worth noting that the program provides offline access to documents. That is, the user can work and modify their documents without connecting to the Internet. Most recently, many application developers have begun to add a special feature to their applications. Surely many have heard of her.

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TwonkyMedia Server - Provides access to media files on the device.

Latest version: Windows: 8.5.2 | macOS: 8.5.2 | Linux: 8.5.2 | Report a new version of the program
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   25-10-2019, 01:43  |  Author: Lynx Technology |  2 290 views  |  
Edited news: 16-02-2022, 10:22
Reason: Added version for Linux

 Probably, many of us faced such a problem that the size of the film is too large, but there is no media that can be connected to the TV and watch. A special program was invented for this. Twonky is a unique utility that provides access to media files on any device. We can say that Twonky is a server on which photos, videos, movies of the user are stored. Thanks to this server, the user can access them through any device, which can be a TV, or even a telephone.


The user can download a trial version of TwonkyMedia Server utility, which is completely free, but with a limited time of use. On the official website, the trial period is 30 days. The cost of the full version, which includes the acquisition of a license key, is $ 19.95.


The utility is compatible with any Windows, MacOs and Linux software. But if the user has Linux software, you will have to install it yourself. Considering the installation process of the utility, it can be noted that it runs quickly enough and does not take much time. The program weighs only 6 megabytes, so the file will be downloaded to the computer very quickly.

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Switch Off - helps to work with a computer at a distance.

Latest version: Windows: | Report a new version of the program
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   23-10-2019, 05:42  |  Author: Yaroslav Pomazkov |  1 912 views  |  

 Switch Off is a universal program for working with a computer at a distance. The program is free - this means that all the functionality of the program is open to the user for use and he will not have to pay for anything. The author himself calls his application "lightweight software." Which, by the way, is true.


Switch Off is really small and does not have special software requirements for your computer, which is why this program can be installed on all Windows updates, starting from Windows 2000 and ending with the latest version of Windows 10.


Speaking about the functionality of the program, you might think that it will be limited, but this is not so. The program provides remote access to your computer through a closed web interface, that is, access to the computer will be protected by a password that the user will set. This feature is provided by the integrated HTTP server. You can control the computer from the phone or from another computer.

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IZArc - easy to use archiver

Latest version: Windows: 4.5 | iOS: 1.4 | Report a new version of the program
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   22-10-2019, 03:22  |  Author: Ivan Zahariev |  2 213 views  |  
Edited news: 16-02-2022, 08:37
Reason: Windows version update.

 IZArc is extremely easy to use!


To open the archive, simply double-click (or, if you are working in web-style, click once) on the archive specified in "My Computer" or in Windows Explorer, drag the archive to IZArc or use the standard "Open" dialog box. The main IZArc window contains a list with the names and sizes of all files in the open archive. This list can be scrolled and sorted by any field. A customizable toolbar provides quick access to frequently used actions. Extensive context-sensitive help is always available.


The Windows Drag and Drop interface is fully supported - you can drag and drop files from IZArc to other applications or simply to Windows Explorer to extract them to a specific directory. IZArc will extract the files before placing them in the target application. The destination application will process the files as if they were deleted from My Computer or from Windows Explorer. You can also delete archives in IZArc to open them, or delete files in IZArc to add them to an open or new archive.

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Innovative Samsung Galaxy Fold Smartphone

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   21-10-2019, 02:26  |  Author: redaktor |  2 588 views  |  

 The large company Samsung, which is rapidly improving its technology, has introduced a completely new smartphone to the attention of consumers. Such a novelty will be interesting to absolutely everyone. In addition to the fact that this model has excellent technical characteristics, this smartphone has a special perfection. Samsung has created a phone that can transform into a tablet. This magic happens due to a special screen that can bend in half.


The high-tech smartphone Samsung Galaxy Fold made a big splash and attracted attention in all corners of the world. And this is justified, since the emotions of using this model are unforgettable. Manufacturers of other smartphones claimed that it was difficult to impress potential buyers, and to do so was almost impossible. However, Samsung completely refuted this judgment and released an unusual novelty.


The display size of the new Samsung Galaxy Fold in the state of the phone is 4.6 inches. When the display opens, its total size becomes 7.3 inches. Many dubbed this model a telephone from the future. In addition to flexibility, the screen also has impressive picture quality. The Galaxy Fold screen is equipped with an AMOLED matrix that provides perfect color reproduction. Also, this matrix allows the owner to observe high color contrasts without distortion. There is a special film on the phone’s display, which is designed to protect the modern model. The manufacturer warns that removing this film is strictly prohibited.


The manufacturer announced that the new product is designed for 200,000 bends and extensions. According to rough estimates, the smartphone is designed for 5 years of constant use.

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HaoZip is a free data compression program

Latest version: Windows: / 5.9.8 / 4.0 Eng / V3.0 Eng | Report a new version of the program
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   20-10-2019, 04:19  |  Author: HaoZip Software Studio |  1 848 views  |  
Edited news: 31-01-2022, 07:20
Reason: Windows Version Upgrade

 HaoZip is an interesting and completely free data compression program created by Chinese developers. It offers rich functionality, as well as support for almost 50 of the most popular archive formats, including RAR, ZIP, 7Z, ISO, IMG, TAR, DMG, ARJ, GZ, GZIP, TGZ, BZ2, BZIP2, TBZ2, DEB, JAR and many others.


The program has been developed since 2009, but only recently has it begun to gain momentum and gain an increasing number of users. The use of HaoZip in everyday work, in addition to being completely free, is also supported by a sophisticated user interface and a set of many useful and modern tools. In addition to the standard function of compressing and decompressing files, the program also allows you to create self-extracting archives, protect access to them with a password, check archives for errors, and restore them. In addition, the user also receives a tool for converting image files, combining MP3 files, creating MD5 checksums and an integrated graphical viewer.


Against the backdrop of competing solutions, HaoZip is characterized by high speed and performance. According to the creators, the program allows you to reduce the time of compression / decompression of files by up to 40% compared with competing software, which gives it an undeniable advantage over competitors. In turn, the built-in simple benchmark provides the ability to test a computer in terms of speed of compression and decompression, as well as the consumption of system resources.

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Picasa - for viewing and editing images.

Latest version: Windows: 3.9.141 Build 259 | macOS: | Report a new version of the program
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   19-10-2019, 09:15  |  Author: Google |  1 276 views  |  

 Picasa is a free graphics utility for viewing and editing images. Easy to use, has an attractive and user-friendly interface in which intuitive functions and tools are built. Suitable for those users who want to quickly prepare their photos for publication in galleries and social networks, creating slide shows. In 2004 was acquired by Google.


After installation is complete, the program prompts you to find images on your computer. You can specify the folders to search, as well as the formats of the desired files. Picasa supports the following photo formats: .ipg, .bmp, .fig, .png, .raw, .webp, .tiff and .tga. If necessary, you can back up images and photos stored on your computer.

Although Google has stopped releasing updates for Picasa since 2016, it can still be installed on Windows, on devices with Mac OS software (English version only).

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WinDjView - for viewing and working with DjVu files

Latest version: Windows: 2.1 | Report a new version of the program
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   18-10-2019, 03:21  |  Author: Andrey Zhezherun |  1 721 views  |  

 A computer user who has not heard or has not encountered files of the DjVu format is rarely seen. The fact is that this type of text and graphic files has become widely popular among users who work with many voluminous documents or high-resolution images. And ordinary people in their free time reading e-books also know about him. A file format is, in fact, just a form of storing information, but software designed to work with this type of document deserves special attention.


As you probably already guessed, we will talk about the WinDjView program.


The program is intended for viewing and working with files of the DjVu format. It has a wide range of capabilities both in displaying a text or graphic document, as well as personalizing the program itself for ease of use. Not deprived of the ability to print the viewed documents.


It should be noted that this program is provided on the official DjVu website free. This means that after downloading the installation file, you will have the full version of the licensed program at your disposal. Suitable for working on operating systems such as: all modern versions of Windows (x86, x64) and Mac OS (only for Mac OS the program will be called MacDjView).

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Daum PotPlayer - supports new video and audio formats

Latest version: Windows: 1.7.21589.0 | Report a new version of the program
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   17-10-2019, 05:10  |  Author: Daum Communications |  6 038 views  |  
Edited news: 30-01-2022, 11:00
Reason: Windows Version Upgrade.

 Potplayer has been a popular player since 2011.


It is very popular for being able to support new video and audio formats.


Despite not free downloading from the Internet due to a free license, the application deserves special attention


Application Benefits:

  • stylish design that meets the fashion of modern society
  • built-in functions that allow you to qualitatively build sound, text, audio files and video files. Also, the settings function allows you to not only play, but also record audio and video files
  • free base. There are no paid subscriptions, which means there is no paid license. The application is not a demo
  • support for audio and video file formats of any size and quality
  • support for various skins and color themes
  • An undoubted plus is a convenient and simple interface that suits both a child at the age of five and a grandmother who decides to listen to a classical melody at night. For the application to work, you just need to download and run it

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Free DWG Viewer - a free program for viewing drawings and diagrams

Latest version: Windows: | Report a new version of the program
1 0
   16-10-2019, 10:03  |  Author: Informative Graphics Corporation |  1 679 views  |  

 Developed by Informative Graphics Corporation, the Free DWG Viewer application is designed to view drawings and diagrams. The program is distributed free of charge, after installation it works autonomously, without restrictions on the declared functions. Regular updates are required to support a free license.

The utility takes up no more than 60 Mbit on disk and requires 512 Mbit of RAM. Its purpose: to view, convert and print graphic files in DXF, DWG, DWF, XREF formats. The ActiveX component allows you to run the program as an extension in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Netscape browsers.

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