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Flexible gadgets: fad or progress?

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   13-12-2019, 00:27  |  Author: redaktor |  1 328 views  |  

 In their attempts to sell an unnecessary new smartphone model, companies are ready to do anything. Every few months, another presentation of the revolutionary gadget takes place. Yes, recently, all the changes were quite predictable: more RAM, better camera, updated design. However, 2019 was marked by interesting new products: several companies introduced gadgets with folding screens. The developers made statements in such cases about a technological breakthrough and a new era of smartphones. However, only the market could put everything in its place. Toward the end of the year, smartphones and tablets with flexible screens began to go on sale.




There are many examples of unsuccessful products in the history of technology companies. Business giants were so keen on their own ideas that the result of the experiments was a strange and very expensive equipment that was not in consumer demand.


When gadgets with fading displays were first introduced to the public, analysts and ordinary skeptics wondered: does anyone really need this?


Samsung became the pioneer again, the first to release futuristic gadgets in free swimming. Devices from the Galaxy Fold line can already be bought and until the end of 2019 they will be available worldwide.


So far, we can judge technology mainly from reviews made by bloggers and journalists. This is not surprising: Galaxy Fold devices are much more expensive than their most expensive competitors. But buying the latest iPhone model, you know exactly what you get: a powerful and reliable gadget with an excellent camera that will last for many years (or until you get bored). Give a few thousand dollars, albeit for a revolutionary, but still a pig in a poke, while few users want.


It makes no sense to talk about Galaxy Fold devices in familiar terms: in terms of memory and camera power, they are not inferior to the closest competitors. Of interest is not the diagonal of the external screen, but the ability to deploy the device to gain access to the huge internal display.


The idea is so incompatible with our idea of ​​smartphones that the reviews often recall the sci-fi series “World of the Wild West”. In it, the amusement park staff manages the androids using folding tablets with huge screens.


It is unclear whether Samsung employees were inspired by the impressive picture, or the creators of the series caught the idea that was in the air. It remains to answer the question: does an ordinary person really need a device with two screens - familiar and super-large? Will he find a place in everyday life and in his coat pocket? After all, mobile devices must be primarily mobile, otherwise their whole meaning is lost.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite for developing graphics and page layouts, editing photos and creating websites.

Latest version: Windows: Graphics Suite 2021 | macOS: Graphics Suite 2020 | Report a new version of the program
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   10-12-2019, 03:27  |  Author: Corel Corporation |  1 825 views  |  
Edited news: 10-07-2021, 01:58
Reason: Update version for Windows.

 Combine your creative skills with the unique features of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite for developing graphics and page layouts, photo editing, and website building. With enhanced support for Windows 10 and displays on multiple monitors and in 4K resolution, the package allows novice users, professional graphic designers, small business owners and enthusiasts to easily get professional results in a short time.


Take the first step


Starting with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite will be equally easy for both beginners and experienced designers. Learn the basics, find out what's new in the getting started guide, or use the special Corel product user guide. Instantly achieve greater productivity with a workspace tailored to your own workflow and take advantage of high-quality materials and comprehensive educational resources.


The possibilities of using the package go far beyond creating vector graphics and preparing page layouts. Thanks to the Corel Connect browser, you can quickly find the elements needed for a project on disk, on a local network, or in a resource center. Open type tools allow you to perform contextual and stylistic character replacement, use ligatures or ornaments, while maintaining compatibility . On the other hand, Corel Harmonies tools allow you to create an additional color palette for already selected elements with one click and change the color spectrum of the entire project, while maintaining differences in shades. There is also a new palette of object styles from which we can easily change all the attributes of objects of interest to us.

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Zipware - free archiver

Latest version: Windows: 1.6 | Report a new version of the program
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   8-12-2019, 03:42  |  Author: Bazwise |  1 506 views  |  

 Among archivers for the Windows operating system, as a rule, choose one that is easy to use, which compresses and decompresses data without errors, small and in the public domain.


Zipware is an archiver distributed with the mark free, i.e. completely free, intuitive to use and maximally functional. The application supports the most important working formats, including the new RAR5. The archiver easily copes with both small and significant archives from several thousand to several million documents in a file cabinet.


Using Zipware, you can easily generate archives with simple shared or unpacked archives, split them into interconnected units, and change formats to ZIP and 7Z.


When constructing archives, the program provides the user with five levels of zip-conversion of information, the use of which will directly determine the weight of the finished archive.


Zipwere also has a built-in virus recognition system from, which allows you to protect your computer and not transfer viruses through archives.


The interface, as mentioned above, is intuitive. The quick access icons are large and round, attracting attention. The main functions of the archiver are placed in the context menu of the computer operating system and are opened with the click of a mouse.

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VSDC video editor - a convenient program for editing video and audio

Latest version: Windows: 64-bit - / 32-bit - | Report a new version of the program
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   5-12-2019, 05:48  |  Author: Vector Ltd |  1 672 views  |  
Edited news: 1-02-2022, 16:19
Reason: Update version for Windows.

 VSDC Video Editor is a multifunctional tool for processing video and audio files and converting them to other formats. This program runs on the Windows platform and is available in two versions: Free and Pro (paid, has advanced and improved functionality).


Both software developments have a colorful and intuitive interface. To master the basics of working in the VSDC video editor is quite simple even for a beginner. The program contains useful tips, a step-by-step user guide. The big advantage is the lack of ads automatically embedded in the video.

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Asus ROG Zephyrus S GX502GW - productive and very thin laptop

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   28-11-2019, 02:00  |  Author: redaktor |  1 440 views  |  

Every day, the collection of ultra-light and small-sized laptops with the most standard set of hardware is gaining momentum and popularity.  And the well-known manufacturer Asus is also trying to expand its product line. If you pay attention to the latest modifications, you can see not only the latest components, but also other, no fewer interesting changes. So, I would like to dwell in more detail on the Asus laptop model, which was called the ROG Zephyrus S GX502GW. This device has a lot of interesting characteristics, has more powerful hardware and parameters that will satisfy any gamer.


Laptop specifications


 This model is represented by a powerful Intel Core i7-9750Y processor with six cores, thanks to which the device copes well with multitasking. The graphic component is represented by Intel UHD Graphics 630 and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with 8 GB on board. Surely, many gamers just dream of getting a new video card and try its capabilities in the gameplay.


32 GB of RAM is pretty good for a laptop. The device is cooled using the latest CO Active Aerodinamic System with six heat pipes and two fans.


This model has a 15.6-inch display with FullHD resolution at 1920x1080. Frequency - 144 Hz. In addition, Asus is equipped with a host of the most important and useful connectors. There are not only standard USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports, but also one USB 3.1 Gen 2 and one USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-C ™ for high-speed data transfer. Also integrated is HDMI 2.0b, RJ45 and, of course, a microphone jack with headphones. The laptop is charging from the power supply.

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Rufus: a program for creating bootable drives

Latest version: Windows: 3.17 | Report a new version of the program
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   27-11-2019, 02:22  |  Author: Pete Batard |  1 825 views  |  
Edited news: 1-02-2022, 16:07
Reason: Updating versions for Windows

 Rufus is a program that downloads to bootable media (flash drive) and participates in the installation of an ISO image. With its help, Windows or Linux software is installed on any computer.


The program, through its utilities, creates a bootable device from ordinary media that acts as a memory card for ISO images and the operating system.


Rufus has a few positive characteristics. The program is free and does not require unnecessary investments. It weighs little and is often updated, improving its characteristics. Installation supports many languages. Rufus runs smoothly and quickly, so it can be considered the best portable program for bootable media.


System requirements include Windows 7 and later. The application supports both 32 and 64-bit operating systems.


Using Rufus, the user will be able to work on a computer without an operating system. In addition, the program launches a low-level utility and performs BIOS firmware - for this, depending on the task, the necessary settings are selected before installing the application.

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Ashampoo Zip - an application for compressing and decompressing files on Windows

Latest version: Windows: PRO 3.5.15 / FREE - | Report a new version of the program
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   26-11-2019, 06:30  |  Author: Ashampoo |  1 954 views  |  
Edited news: 9-07-2021, 02:38
Reason: Update version for Windows.

Ashampoo ZIP Free is a simplified and free version of the application designed to compress and decompress files on Windows, supporting more than 30 of the most popular archive formats (ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, TAR, RAR, ZIPX, ARJ, ARC, ACE, MSI, DMG and many others).


In addition to the main functions of archives (creating and extracting content), the program is equipped with tools that allow you to create self-extracting SFX archives (.exe), restore damaged ZIP files, and also use multi-volume recording (breaking archives into smaller parts). Ashampoo ZIP Free integrates with the system shell, and the graphical interface used belongs to the modern user interface and can conveniently work on touch devices. It is multiplatform that makes this program one of the most popular among archivers, because the ease of use and intuitive interface are suitable for most users of any age category.


For more demanding users, the manufacturer provides a commercial version of Ashampoo ZIP Pro. In addition to the functions of free editing, this program also offers the ability to encrypt data, create virtual disks, convert archives, etc. Advanced functionality combined with open source allows professional users to fully use the functions and capabilities provided by this tool.

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Zamzar is an online audio, video, image and text converter

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   26-11-2019, 01:02  |  Author: Zamzar Ltd |  1 396 views  |  

 Zamzar is a web-based converter that, for example, will help you convert a document that is available in .pdf format to .doc, or vice versa. There are many possibilities, and in fact, the tool quickly copes not only with documents, but also with music, graphic, even video formats with more than 100 different target formats.


Free and roomy


Thus, users can convert files with a maximum size of 150 MB. Working with the site is very simple and involves four consecutive steps. At the very beginning, the file that we want to replace must be posted on the site. Then we must specify the desired format in which we ultimately want to use the file. In the third step, we must specify the email address to which we want to forward the link with the version ready for download. The last step is to accept the site’s rules by clicking the “Convert” button, after which the operation will begin. After some time (longer, the larger the file), the link to the file in the format we specified will be redirected in the message.


Zamzar also can convert files located directly on the network. This is especially useful, for example, when you want to receive a video file in the form of an audio file. The site is developed in English language only.

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SteelSeries Arctis 1 Wireless Headset

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   25-11-2019, 06:25  |  Author: redaktor |  1 146 views  |  

The Arctis 1 Wireless headset is a convenient solution not only for everyday issues with a smartphone, but also for games and a pleasant pastime. It was SteelSeries that introduced the new product this fall. And we hasten to share it is unique and differs not only in that it is deprived of unnecessary cables.


Headset Features


You can also highlight:

  • Indoor acoustic design.
  • 40 mm dynamic emitter.
  • A microphone that is removable.
  • Passive noise reduction option.
  • Wireless communication is carried out by radio direction 2.4 GHz.
  • The versatility of the device and its compatibility with PCs, PlayStation 4 consoles, XBox, Nintendo Switch and Android smartphones.
  • Connection is made using a transmitter with a Type-C connector.
  • The range of the headset is 9 meters, the operating time is up to 20 hours.

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Kerish Doctor - Windows System Optimization Tool

Latest version: Windows: 4.85 | Report a new version of the program
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   25-11-2019, 01:21  |  Author: Kerish Products |  1 666 views  |  
Edited news: 1-02-2022, 15:57
Reason: Оновлено файл та дані по файлу на Virustotal

Kerish Doctor is a comprehensive service and optimization tool for Windows. It has a wide range of useful functions that allow you to fix common problems with the operating environment, clean up the computer of unnecessary files, and manage applications, services installed on the system, etc.


The program, thanks to the many features offered, can be called a combine for managing the Windows system. It offers an interesting tool for real-time detection and elimination of any problems with the environment and the software installed in it, as well as many dozens of other useful options. Among them, we will find those that will allow you to clean the Windows registry from unnecessary entries, delete all temporary files from the disk, completely clear the cache and all the files there, optimize system services, and also manipulate hidden Windows settings with and without administrator rights.


However, this is not a complete list of features offered by Kerish Doctor software. The user also receives tools for recovering lost data, accidentally or intentionally deleted files, optimizing the Internet connection, managing installed applications and programs running and working with the system. There is also the ability to completely delete files without the possibility of restoring them in any way, unlock locked data or manage system restore points.

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