Viber - calls and SMS for free! WhatsApp - a popular messenger, the choice of millions of people around the world Wickr is an anonymous messenger program Trend Micro Mobile Security - a mobile application for information security Transmit to transfer files macOS Malwarebytes - a tool in the fight against unwanted and dangerous programs K7 Ultimate Security - antivirus software UnetBootIn - application for Linux boot distribution SmartFTP - a comfortable and functional FTP client Franz - a convenient tool for working with instant messengers LibreOffice - free office suite Transmission - BitTorrent client for Linux, OS X and Windows Gravit Designer is a multi-platform vector graphics tool. Google Docs - a server for editing documents TwonkyMedia Server - Provides access to media files on the device. IZArc - easy to use archiver PDF24 Creator - A Free Tool for Quickly Creating PDF Files qBittorrent - free torrent client without ads Glary Utilities to optimize the operating system FileZilla - file sharing via FTP, SFTP and FTPS WPS Office - software package from China Adobe Reader - a program for viewing, comments and printing files in PDF KMPlayer - convenient audio and video player Deezer is an program for listening to music tracks Chromium is a safe and fast web browser from Google Google Chrome - the benchmark for quality and convenience among browsers WinZip. Squeeze-unclench .... Mozilla Browser Leads in Popularity Ratings in Many Countries Skype - a revolutionary breakthrough on the Internet Opera - one of the flagships in the world of browsers Tor Browser - why use it? Reg Organizer: Key Features Wise Care 365 is a toolkit for protecting privacy and optimizing Windows. Foxit Reader - for viewing documents in PDF format CCleaner - removes garbage from computers XnView - a program for viewing, editing and sorting graphic files Notepad ++: the main features of the program K-Lite Codec Pack - a set of codecs to solve problems with viewing audio and video files SketchUp is a project development and modeling environment Webroot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus and System Analyzer - a unique software solution to protect your computer
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FlashFXP - FTP / FTPS / SFTP client for Windows

Latest version: Windows: 5.4.0 build 3970 | Report a new version of the program
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   6-07-2020, 02:53  |  Author: OpenSight Software |  1 308 views  |  

FlashFXP Utility is a reliable, secure and efficient FTP / FTPS / SFTP client for Windows. The program can be used to administer sites, upload / download files to a server, or exchange files between servers. The client is compatible with all current versions of Windows.


The software has a wide range of functions for setting up client configuration. File sharing requires an installed FTP or SFTP server. The program has a multilingual interface (20 languages). FlashFXP has a standard, portable and U3 version of Smart Drive.


License Features


The program is commercial and is priced at 29.95 USD. There is a trial version of FlashFXP, free of charge for 30 days. The program license can be personal or business. A personal license allows you to use the utility for non-commercial purposes on 4 devices, including mobile. A business license is divided into the following types:


  • user;
  • device;
  • website;
  • server.


It allows you to use FlashFXP in a corporate, government or business environment.

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AVL - Antivirus Software for Android

Latest version: Android: AVL 2.8.1 / AVL Pro 2.2.2 / AVL Sec 1.3 | Report a new version of the program
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   4-07-2020, 04:14  |  Author: AVL Team |  1 546 views  |  
Edited news: 13-07-2021, 11:51
Reason: Android version update

AVL PRO is the best antivirus software according to statistics of 2013. The product is designed for the Android operating system. The program was developed by AVL Team and is currently able to provide comprehensive protection for the devices on which it is installed, including application programs.


The mobile version of the program provides rich configuration options that can detect malware on a smartphone. Using this function, you can adjust the operation of the device and enable the automatic scanning mode. The program will work even when the client does not think about it.


The mobile version of the program can recognize and analyze various formats of virus files. Among them are: APK, SIS, SISX, XAP, CAP. In addition, the software can detect files in the following formats: DEX, ELF, EPOS, PE.


In addition to the comprehensive detection of virus files, the application makes the process not only effective, but also energy-saving. AVL PRO practically does not use the energy of a smartphone to carry out basic functions. The work of the program is optimized in its structure and efficiency; therefore it is energy and resource saving. Despite the low cost of energy, scanning the device for viruses is high-speed.

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AS SSD Benchmark - drive testing

Latest version: Windows: 2.0.7316.34247 | Report a new version of the program
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   2-07-2020, 03:34  |  Author: Alex Schepeljanski |  1 471 views  |  

AS SSD Benchmark is an auxiliary computer program designed to test drives and measure their speed. The program was written by an ordinary enthusiast, it has proven itself both among ordinary users and among professionals. The program is completely free.


Developed a utility Alex Schepelyansky.


Features of AS SSD Benchmark:


  • Run tests marked in the utility.
  • Possibility to choose a test execution sequence (alternately and randomly).
  • There is a test that measures write or read access time.

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Comodo Internet Security - Virus Protection

Latest version: Windows: | Report a new version of the program
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   1-07-2020, 07:02  |  Author: Comodo |  1 301 views  |  
Edited news: 13-07-2021, 11:22
Reason: Windows version update

Comodo Internet Security Pro is a comprehensive solution to protect your PC from Internet threats. This is a commercial program that involves paying for the year. The cost of annual use is $ 17.99.


Users receive the maximum possible protection of computers from viruses and malware with a guarantee from the developer.


One of the most reliable firewalls according to statistics


The Comodo firewall rises higher in the ranking. Internet Security Pro creates an impenetrable shield for viruses, Trojans, spyware and other types of malware. In real time, files are sorted into dangerous dubious, and safe.

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Classic FTP - simple client

Latest version: Windows: 4.05+ | macOS: 4.03 | Report a new version of the program
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   30-06-2020, 03:48  |  Author: NCH Software |  1 333 views  |  

Classic FTP is an easy to use, free ftp dual-panel client. Thanks to it, you can view the file, edit it, upload it to the server, download from the server, delete the file from the remote server (site). The name of the client corresponds to its characteristics, this is the most common ftp-client.


This client has the same functions as others, but it is easier to understand both experienced site administrators and beginners in site management. The program is completely free, and also has an easy-to-use interface, because of which you can download or edit a file much faster without spending too much time studying. But there is also a paid version of the program.


Very convenient tool “Mirror and Upload” in one click scans all files on the server or in the folders you select, uploads files to the folder you select. Also, with the help of the client, you can synchronize remote folders with local ones.

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Open Hardware Monitor is a free program for monitoring the status of individual computer elements.

Latest version: Windows: 0.9.6 | Report a new version of the program
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   29-06-2020, 02:43  |  Author: Michael Möller |  1 346 views  |  

Open Hardware Monitor is a free program used to monitor the status of individual computer elements. It allows you to quickly diagnose all the main components of the device. Using the utility is especially important if the gadget freezes during operation, does not respond quickly enough to commands, or heats up very quickly.


By downloading Open Hardware Monitor for free from the official site, the user gets the opportunity to track information from temperature sensors installed on his computer, evaluate the speed of coolers, the voltage supplied to the PC, the clock speed, the presence and characteristics of installed drives, their load and many other parameters. It only takes a few seconds to get data about all monitored components.

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Wickr is an anonymous messenger program

Latest version: Windows: Me - 5.98.4 / Pro - 5.98.4 / Enterprise - 5.98.4 | Android: Me - 5.98.4 / Pro - 5.98.4 / Enterprise - 5.96.3 | macOS: Me - 5.97.4 / Pro - 5.97.4 / Enterprise - 5.96.10 | iOS: Wickr Me - 5.98.5 / Wickr Pro - 5.98.5 / Wickr Enterprise - 5.98.5 | Report a new version of the program
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   26-06-2020, 06:08  |  Author: Wickr |  2 632 views  |  
Edited news: 19-02-2022, 07:57
Reason: Upgrading Me and Pro versions for Windows and Android. Upgrading Windows and iOS versions of Enterprise.

Wickr is a new messenger program that is anonymous on the web. The network appeared in 2013, has gained great popularity among users around the world.




Software removes messages on all digital devices, including servers. An option is built into the software that also cancels all archives; they cannot be restored. Software features allow you to transfer various text materials, audio and video files, possible encryption standards:


  1. AES 256.
  2. RSA 4096 TLD.
  3. ECDH 521.


Traces in terms of geolocation also do not remain, in the settings before sending the message, the subscriber can choose the time of sending independently. Varieties of Wickr me


  1. Wickr Pro costing $ 25 per month makes it possible to use the desktop version.
  2. Wickr Enterprise Enterprise Edition

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UnetBootIn - application for Linux boot distribution

Latest version: Windows: 7.02 | macOS: 7.02 | Linux: 7.02 | Report a new version of the program
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   23-06-2020, 04:57  |  Author: Geza Kovacs |  1 945 views  |  
Edited news: 16-02-2022, 16:55
Reason: Added versions for Linux

 UNetbootin (Universal Netboot Installer) is a small application used to create bootable Live USB. A system prepared in this way can be started from a memory card, Pendrive, or other USB media. The program is automated - just specify the ISO-image downloaded from the manufacturer’s website, and UNetbootin will copy all the necessary files and write them to the media. The program is completely free. On the official website there is an opportunity to support developers with small donations.

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SmartFTP - a comfortable and functional FTP client

Latest version: Windows: 10.0.2941.0 | Report a new version of the program
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   19-06-2020, 06:17  |  Author: SmartSoft Ltd. |  2 528 views  |  
Edited news: 16-02-2022, 16:39
Reason: Windows version update.

SmartFTP is an FTP client that supports the most popular servers and protocols: FTP, SFTP, HTTP, WebDAV, as well as SSH.


Smart FTP Client


SmartFTP is a comprehensive FTP file transfer tool. The many features available will be appreciated by more advanced users. If you frequently update files on a remote FTP server, use SmartFTP.

An FTP client is an application used to transfer files between a user's computer and an FTP server. Therefore, SmartFTP will be useful mainly for webmasters who want to update documents, for example, on WWW-servers.




SmartFTP is easy to configure, search for files, and resume broken connections. SmartFTP allows you to connect to multiple servers and supports IPv6 connection protocol. It uses the "Drag and Drop" technology, thanks to which you can easily move and copy files from Windows Explorer to any server. It is also worth mentioning the rich list of supported FTP servers. The software uses memory caching, which speeds up the work with servers.

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